Earnings simulation to boost motivation and performance

Give your teams a tool that simulates their incentive plans with scenarios to visualize their projected earnings and transparently understand their compensation plan.

How remuner
elevates your business


team performance increased


admin tasks and costs reduced


average daily usages per employee

Simulate plans

Every team member is able to simulate their earnings for a given incentive plan. Allow them to transparently understand how their compensation plan works while creating their own scenarios.

Manage your forecast

Track the expected achievement by the end of the period. Compare various forecasts with Remuner AI-generated forecasts to recommend next steps or gap plans in case the projected attainment does not reach the target for that period.

Anticipate target deviations

Provide your team members with visibility on their current achievement compared with their expected pacing to meet their target and equip them with the perfect tool to commit on what they think their final attainment will be.

AI-powered forecasting

Leverage Remuner AI powerful insights for managing and forecasting results in real time. Take actions faster and push performance while the incentive plan period is still active and generate an impact.



How does Remuner determine recommended actions based on forecast comparisons?

By showing forecast comparisons, the platform helps managers to identify business areas where projected achievement may fall below quota, helping them undertake specific action plans to close that gap.

How does simulating plans help employees perform better?

Simulating plans enables employees to gain a clear understanding of how their compensation behaves and how much commissions they can earn under certain circumstances. This is a powerful driver for continuous push.

How does the pacing contribute to overall sales team productivity and performance?

The pacing plays a vital role in driving overall sales team productivity and performance. By providing visibility into achievement pace and empowering sales reps to commit to their goals, it fosters a culture of accountability, motivation, and continuous improvement.

Discover more features to Boost Performance

Real time


AI Coach


Challenges and